Winter Weather Alert

Stay safe and warm during sub-freezing temps this week, and see how you can save energy here.

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am·bi·tion /amˈbiSHən/ - a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. A desire and determination to achieve success. At Ambit Energy, it's no coincidence that our annual conference is called AMBITION. Every fall, Independent Consultants from across the U.S. come together in Dallas for an amazing three days of motivational, professional and personal development. Plus, there are phenomenal awards and recognition for their achievements during the past year – not to mention tons of Texas-sized FUN! And with attendance and excitement growing every year, this event serves as the catalyst that turbocharges our Consultants on their road to success. And it’s the one Ambit event that Consultants don't want to miss! View more about AMBITION and other Ambit Energy events on EventCenter.